B. When you were in , did you think or ever think you understood the bamboozle.
There actually was a time when I reckoned that I did fully understand the whole piece about the trinity:
- but that was when I had only heard the WTS's version of things.
At that stage, I had read everything I could get my hands on that the WTS had written about this matter (heavily laced, as it was, with selected quotations from Alexander Hislop's The Two Babylons). Little did I then realise that the concept of the trinity was something fiercely disputed over a period of several centuries during the early Christian era - and definitely not something to be fully comprehended from an eight second TV sound bite (or similar)!
These days, I identify with the sentiment expressed by Steve2
I personally could give a tinker's cuss whether the God of the Bible is one, two or three in one.
Bloody good one!